Yankee’s Rivera undergoes surgery

Panama’s all star baseball player, New York  Yankees' closer, Mariano Rivera, has undergone surgery to remove a polyps in the vocal cords. 

Fernando Cuza, his agent said that "everything was carried out as planned, and the operation was a success." He said the intervention was carried out at New York Presbyterian Hospital. A day earlier, he had indicated that after surgery he would not be able to talk for a week.

 Rivera, the  major league all time saves leader, said earlier that the operation would keep him sidelined for a week, and that it will not hurt to start spring training. 

Rivera, was 42 on Tuesday. During the  past season   he passed the mark of Trevor Hoffman for lifetime  saves.

He got 44 in the season, bringing him to 603 liftetime. He  had ERA of 1.91 to score his fourth season with an average less than 2.00.