Centennial Bridge opening set for October

The latest date for the reopening of Panama’s Centennial Bridge, first setfor August this year, has been moved to October.

The news was given to a visiting group of members of the Chamber of Commerce, and the con Construction Chamber (Capac) yesterday who were visiting  the eastern accesses to the bridge Centennial Bridge east to access, with the Minister of Public Works, Federico Suarez.

The road leading to the ridge collapsed during heavy rains last December.


The minister said that the repair works is 81% complete and will be finished next month in time for an October opening to traffic.

A new road and a new viaduct  are being built, so that the structure has greater utility in the future said Suarez.

However, while work continues on the viaduct, traffic will continue to be  restricted, since repairs to the road that did not collapse, but is damaged, can be completed.

He said  that "cheap is expensive" and said the damage to the access road shows the importance of paying the actual cost of the work to contractors.

Suarez also they are still assessing the possible ca

uses of the collapse of the road. So far $30 million has been invested in repairs and rebuilding.