Citizens groups fight on as government steams ahead with Cinta Costera

Despite public protests, opinion polls favoring a halt to the project and alternative suggestions, the government seems intent on circling Casco Viejo with a four lane highway.

Unesco has warned that it could remove the old city’s designation as a world heritage site, regarded as a source of pride to the city and a boost to tourism.

In a meeting this week  the Ministry of Public Works presented residents with two options for the third stage of the Cinta Costera.

The  options are to build  a tunnel under the historic area or building a bypass on the ocean side of the city.

The second option appears to be the one favored by the government, as it would be quicker to build and much cheaper.

In April, Unesco warned that a bypass along the waterfront of Casco Viejo would "alter the structure of the area" and the body asked Panama’s government halt the project until it was studied in more detail.

Community groups have vowed to carry on their campaign to build public awareness ans support and to carry  the fight to Unesco at its upcoming meetings in Paris. They claim that the project will cost the people of Panama $776 million, with most of that money going to the construction company whose costs are estimated at $200 million.

As a point of reference citizen groups point out that the Ministry of Social Development budget for a year is $194 million