E-coli alert issued in Panama

Panama’s Ministry of Health has issued an e-coli alert to its 14  regional offices centers following the deaths of 20 people in Europe.

Over 1,800 people have become ill from the bacteria in Europe, and there are suspected cases in the United States.

Health official Eduardo Lucas Mora said the Ministry of Health has strengthened its surveillance at ports and borders to monitor incoming visitors for health problems.

Anyone who has traveled to Europe recently and has gastrointestinal pains, including fever, cramps, diarrhea or abdominal pain, should seek immediate medical attention, he said.

"The strain has mutated and has a virulence that is much more aggressive than the common E. coli," Mora said

The bacteria is transmitted through consumption of contaminated food  and has a three day incubation period

To avoid the risk of contagion, Mora said people should frequently wash their hands, particularly after using the restroom. They should also carefully wash all fruits and vegetables.