Trump, Palin and pizza

Not-yet presidential candidate Sarah Palin reached Times Square on her 'patriotic bus tour' of the U.S. on Tuesday, May 31 and sat down to a pepperoni pizza at Famous Famiglia .
Sharing her repast was recently quit presidential candidate Donald Trump whose Tower will open in Panama next month, and the sons of the real estate tycoon have been in Panama on a promotional hype campaign. {jathumbnail off}
Their father is persona non grata in Panama, and feared by residents of Casco Viejo, because of musings by his siblings, of his interest in development in the area, whose world historical heritage site designation is already under threat, by UNESCO because of the third phase of the CInta Costera.
In the face of rumors Trump and Pailin might be planning a joint White House campaign, Trump said: "She didn't ask me to run with her."