Conrad Black loses appeal

Former Canadian  media magnate and ex-owner of Britain’s  Daily Telegraph ,Conrad Black, convicted of defrauding his shareholders, could be heading back to jail after losing an appeal to the US Supreme Court. 

He had been released on bail pending the appeal last July after serving two years of a six-year term. He will now be re-sentenced this month.

The photo  published when he was first sentenced, shows Lord Black in happier days when he and his journalist  wife Barbara Amiel swept into an 18th-century-style ball at Kensington Palace.  The Daily Mail wrote that, it represented everything that was flamboyant, pompous and arrogant about the Press baron and his glamorous columnist second wife. {jathumbnail off}

He was described as being dressed as the notoriously brutal 17th- century French power broker Cardinal Richelieu who served as chief minister to Louis XIII of France from 1624 to 1642. His wife was dressed as Marie Antoinette who became the most hated woman in France and died by the guillotine.