70 story neighbor for hospital creating controversy

Controversy over the construction of the government’s $250 million, 70 story financial tower next to Santo Tomas Hospital continues.

The Hospital Trust (HST) recently announced its opposition to the construction of the financial tower, because it would destroy the gardens of the hospital, but the president of the Trust, Eduardo Lucas Mora said they would not be affected and money obtained from selling off part of the Hospital grounds would be used for the conservation and improvement of the building (known as the white elephant), so that they can install the administrative offices of the HST.

He  said also claimed  there would be a renovation of the gardens of the HST, which were declared a national historic monument in 1986.

But , Moses Rios, president of the Rotary Club and member of the board, said he was opposed to the project. He  agreed with Ana Elena Porras, spokeswoman for the Foundation Belisario Porras, who said that the construction will compromise the peaceful atmosphere of the place and will affect patients. In addition to the gardens would be destroyed.

The Financial Tower will be built on the site of the former American embassy, which was demolished in the face of widespread opposition from architects, engineers, artists and civil groups.