Colombia espionage suspect safe in Panama

Colombia’s  attorney general has called for the arrest of  the country’s former  security chief for political espionage, but  President Ricardo Martinelli has intimated that the fugitive is safe in Panama.

Viviane Morales, on Wednesday May 18 asked the High Court of Bogota, for the arrest of Maria del Pilar Hurtado, who was granted asylum in Panama in November 2010.

Martinelli, said he respected the territorial asylum granted. But, says La Prensa, the Foreign Ministry was more cautious and said it awaits the court's decision

Hurtado, was charged, along with Bernard Moreno the former general secretary of President Alvaro Uribe.

She is accused of conspiracy to commit aggravated unlawful violation of communication, abuse  of public function, embezzlement and misappropriation and falsification of public documents.

Moreno, faces  three counts of  conspiracy to commit aggravated rape and abuse of illicit communication of public service.

Hurtado, failed to appear at Wednesday’s court  hearing. Lawyers for victims have asked the Prosecutor and the Court of Bogotá to call on the Government, through diplomatic channels to get Hurtado's extradition from Panama

The DAS  was alleged to  have spied on journalists, judges, human rights advocates and opponents. 

o the former general secretary of President Alvaro Uribe.

She is accused of conspiracy to commit aggravated unlawful violation of communication, abuse  of public function, embezzlement and misappropriation and falsification of public documents.

Moreno, faces  three counts of  conspiracy to commit aggravated rape and abuse of illicit communication of public service.

Hurtado, failed to appear at Wednesday’s court  hearing. lawyers for victims have asked the Prosecutor and the Court of Bogotá to call on the Government, through diplomatic channels to get Hurtado's extradition from Panama

The DAS  was alleged to  have spied on journalists, judges, human rights advocates and opponents.