Kicking off seasonal celebrations with a Christmas Potpourri

Only a few days to go before you can revel in nostalgia, get a bellyful of laughs, and give your Christmas celebrations a healthy kick start.

Performers in one of the scenes of ODD COUPLE . one of  four mini plays which will be presented within the potpourri". Seated: Roz Baitel, Clarita Smith Standing: Carlos Williams, Director & MC, Roberto Bruno and Francis Icaz

If you are part of the “shop till you drop” brigade, give your credit card a break and take time off to relax and visit The Theatre Ancon’s performance of Christmas Potpourri, directed by Panama's Bruce Quinn.

 You will get a fun filled look back at the first 60 years of the Theatre’s history and some of its classic performances. You can also arrive early and exchange Christmas greetings at the patio bar with friends and acquaintances you may not see again until the February opening of the 61st year’s schedule.
 Francis Icaza and Amit Nathani from a scene from 'ORPHANS'.   presented  in 1988 and 2005.     Performances are: December 17 at 8:00 p.m.;December18, 5:00 & 8:00 pm
Free to TGA members, $20 donation for non-members
RESERVATIONS: (answering machine) 212-0060. The heavy rains have cause some phone connection problems, so you can also email to :
It will also be a good time to give yourself a Christmas present by registering as a member of the Theatre Guild.   {jathumbnail off}