What the papers say: Noriegas move to France

La Prensa April 27 At times it seems that the fate of Manuel Antonio Noriega, or rather, the place and the way he ends up paying off his debt to society, finds no easy answer among Panamanians.
Should he be sent back to France or Panama? And having returned to his country, as a condemned criminal in La Joya or a beneficiary of the measures of compassion that the Criminal Code provides for elderly delinquents .."to come and care for his grandchildren," as claimed by his people? Recent administrations have preferred to remain silent accomplices and let the "hot potato" pass into other hands.
And while the legal debate, political and historical glimpses his fate, the unfathomable arm of justice has, at least in this case, obtained master’s degree. Neither a satisfied drug conviction nor the age of the former dictator, nor the benevolence of many have enabled him to escape from punishment for crimes ordained by the freedom they stole, for the trampling on democracy or the the corruption of that guardianship, or by Luciferian damage caused to its people.