Government takes no responsibility for bus tragedy deaths

A day after Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa undertook to mediate in the case of passengers burned to death in a bus crash, the government said it has no responsibility.
Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu, said that the government does not have to be responsible for the accident to bus 8B-06- which incinerated18 people and severely burned others .
"The government is not responsible for any accident that happens in the streets," he said.
Papadimitriu said it is the bus owner is who has the responsibility.. "Every day there are accidents. If the government pays a precedent will be set and every single person who has a car accident may sue the State, either because they fell into a hole or got struck by a tire, "he added.
The minister was referring to the recent ruling of the Supreme Court, which was exempted the Government from liability for the accident after a multi million-dollar lawsuit on behalf of relatives of the victims. "Those who are behind the millions of dollars amount are the lawyers," he snapped.
He added that, for now, what they can do is make some agreements with the families and survivors to help with some jobs.
"Our commitment was to work to establish a new public transport system. And this Friday will be the bid for the Metro Bus "he said.
David Ramirez, of the October 23 Movement, said they disagree with the position of the minister. A government body has to ensure security in public transport, through a law establishing group insurance and the authorities should ensure the good condition of the vehicles entering the country.
Carlos Gavilanes representing relatives said: "I think it has been a lack of respect by the Minister of the Presidency Jimmy Papadimitriu stating that the Government has no responsibility to the survivors and relatives of the tragedy," he said.
"Neither the victims nor the lawyers are behind the sums in the millions of dollars, we are here to demand justice," he added.
On April 19 the Supreme Court ruled that the Transit Authority (ATTT), and the Panamanian State are not liable to pay $10 milllion in damages material and moral, caused by the death of Mrs. Rosa Rodriguez Vargas in the burning bus.