Former Assembly President linked to no-bid deals

After a detailed La Prensa exposure of no-bid contracts made to a company connected to a former National Assembly President, the nation’s Comptroller is arranging audits of the transactions
The contracts were issued over an 18 month period by the Ministry of Public Works at the end of the administration of former President Martin Torrijos to Proyectos del Norte, S.A.
The contracts were valued at $5 million The Comptroller will perform a comprehensive audit of the contracts which were awarded on a no-bid basis.
Pedro Miguel González, whose name was linked to a hidden room, which he had built in the National Assembly denied any connection to the business, though he acknowledged having received money from the firm.
He told La Prensa the payment was in exchange for renting it machinery he owned. Several people with close connections to the former legislator are on the firm’s board of directors, including his former driver and bodyguard says La Prensa
If the audits uncover any wrongdoing, criminal charges could be filed. Prosecutors said they are awaiting the results of the audits before opening any investigation of their own.
Gonzalez is wanted in the United States on charges of killing a US soldier, for which he was acquitted in Panama.