Controversy over entry fee for free carnival
More controversy between the tourist authorities and the Carnival organizers erupted at the start of the event on Via Espana on Saturday as spectators were charged $1 to participate.
Patrons who paid to enter the festivities got their money back Shamah, administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority, stopped the payments and ordered the refunds. "These culecos are free and are courtesy of the government and the Cervecería Nacional (National Beer Company)," he said.
Roger Justiniani, a member of the Carnival board, said that the confusion was the result of a "misunderstanding" between the Authority and the board.” "They are making politics a part of Carnival," he said.
La Prensa reported that the employees who had been hired to collect the fee and hand out wristbands to paying customers, were promptly told their services would not be needed and did not receive promised payments for their work.
About 2,000 people attended the opening of Carnival.