Good news for chocolate lovers

Consumers in Japan and China are beginning to replace traditional milk chocolate with dark chocolate, attracted by the health benefits of cocoa polyphenols reports CentralAmericaData

A statement issued by the Foreign Trade Promotion Office of Costa Rica (PROCOMER) says :

In the Asia Choco Cocoa Congress, held from  April 21 to 23 in Singapore, experts discussed a change that is occurring in Japanese  and Chinese consumers, who are turning away from the popular milk chocolate in favor of dark chocolate, due to the growing interest that has arisen in cocoa polyphenols and their effect on health.


Polyphenols (chemical substances found in plants) have a high antioxidant capacity and play an important role in disease prevention.

Some studies indicate that they could be an important means to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers, because of their ability to control oxidative stress.