10 officials among 35 arrested in laundering raids


Some 35 people, including 10 public officials and five port workers, were apprehended during operations Juárez and Judak, in order to dismantle two criminal groups dedicated to money laundering and crimes related to drugs.

Thirty raids were carried out in the provinces of Panama, Panama West, and Colón by the National Police through the Judicial Investigation Directorate (DIJ)  in association with the Public Ministry.

Four firearms, technological equipment, 15 vehicles, various documents, and other evidence were seized by the Drug Prosecutor’s Office as part of the investigations.



Sergio Delgado, director of the DIJ, said that the criminal group used Caribbean ports to traffic illicit substances.

More than 65,000 dollars have also been confiscated in several of the raided points where members of these organizations were located.