UK Court Dismisses Trump Lawsuit Over Sex perversions Report

1,347Views 0Comments Posted 01/02/2024


The High Court of the United Kingdom on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit filed by former US President Donald Trump against an intelligence firm that produced a report during the 2016 election campaign in which it accused the then-Republican candidate of sexual perversions.

The report by Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd, based in London, was written by one of its founders, former British secret service (MI6) agent Christopher Steele, who also maintained that Trump bribed Russian officials.

The controversial dossier addressed Trump's alleged links with the Kremlin and Russian cyberattacks during that election campaign, while warning that the Russian secret services had sensitive material that could be used against him.

The former president's lawsuit before the British Justice asked for compensation for the “anguish” caused by a publication that violated, according to his lawyers, regulations on privacy and data protection.

During the trial, his lawyers alluded to two sections of the aforementioned report that maintained that Trump had participated in “sex parties” in St. Petersburg and had practiced “golden showers” ​​with prostitutes in Moscow.


The defense, on the other hand, alleged that the former Republican president filed this lawsuit to "harass" Orbis and Steele and settle accounts with him for previous "grievances."

In her ruling, Superior Court Judge Karen Steyn ruled that there are no “compelling reasons” to admit the lawsuit.

Among other reasons, the judge stressed that the plaintiff has “let many years pass” before making “any attempt to defend his reputation in this jurisdiction,” given that he already had knowledge of the dossier and the aforementioned sections “on January 6, 2017